The Emancipation Network is a non-profit organization designed to help people get free from financial bondage and build a successful life on the foundations of faith, family, and financial freedom.
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We believe first and foremost that faith is essential to undergird a successful life. Our faith is based on values, beliefs, and freedom that come from Jesus Christ. But faith requires action based on belief, including living up to standards of honesty, integrity, hard work, and faithfulness. Beyond this, however, faith provides the confidence and power to escape from bondage and achieve a successful and meaningful life.
We like to point to the life of the Great Emancipator, Abraham Lincoln, to show how to build a life for our families and achieve financial freedom. Like many of us, Lincoln suffered a financial catastrophe that left him deep in debt. History records that after the Panic of 1837, his creditors took his assets from him on more than one occasion. Nevertheless, Lincoln pulled himself together and increased his earning power by becoming a lawyer. He married, bought a home, and after he had built his life, earned the nickname “Honest Abe” by finally repaying his debt several years after.
We believe that you can build your life first and then get free from debt, just like Abraham Lincoln did. For many years we have worked to help people be set free from debt bondage. From our experience we developed the System of Debt Relief to reach those we cannot help in person. You can receive a free download at However, we have felt that a more comprehensive handbook of God’s financial principles was needed. We developed this book, Real Faith and Real Money, to help people build a firmer financial foundation for their lives. It can be downloaded for free at
It is our hope that you will come to a deeper understanding of God’s prosperity and be led to find the true riches of life.
We have just released our new book Real Faith and Real Money to help you build a firm financial foundation for your life.
Ron Allen, a CPA, has combined God's Word with years of practical experience to give you a guidebook to finding the true riches of life:
• Learn Jesus' secrets to prosper as you live by faith.
• Follow God's plan for financial freedom.
• Achieve your destiny through faithfulness.
• Escape from bondage to money.
• Understand the economic times you live in.
• Partner with God in His family business.
• Invest your treasure for eternity.
Ron Allen is a Certified Public Account and business consultant based in Dallas, Texas. He is a former partner in a Big Four accounting firm specializing in helping small businesses. He is a marketplace minister, counseling hundreds of people with financial problems, and served in local, national, and international ministries spreading a message of reconciliation to God, to man, and between believers, you can receive a free download at
At last. A financial how-to book that solves real-life problems written by people with real-life experience. The problem is debt. Not the kind you can pay off by eating at home once in a while. There are plenty of good books by guys like Dave Ramsey who can show you how to take your excess cash flow and get out of debt.
No. We are talking about crushing debt. Credit cards. Underwater mortgages. Collection agencies. IRS taxes. Foreclosures. Lawsuits. Bankruptcy. That kind of debt. It leaves you wondering if the sun will ever shine on you again.
We know. We have been there ourselves. And we have personally helped hundreds of people with all kinds of debt problems. So now, we have decided to make our debt relief secrets available to everyone through our System of Debt Relief. It worked for them, and it will work for you:
“The guidelines and easy to follow instructions in the System of Debt Relief are outstanding. In a step-by-step fashion, they show anyone who wishes to be free from a seemingly impossible burden of debt exactly what to do. I know this because I have followed these instructions, and my life was changed forever.”
—A real estate investor who solved his debt problem.
You can download the book for free at
Learn from the pros and find real solutions. You may also save thousands in payments and fees. More importantly, you can have your life back like this man: “The System of Debt Relief saved my financial life. Its trusted council gave me hope in a desperate time in my life. Get the book, and you will be filled with wise council. Do it today!”
—A small business owner who saved his business.
Take his advice. Do it today!
Don’t Suffer in Silence
If you are like most people, a money problem can be so personal and so devastating that you feel like you must keep it hidden from your family and friends. Fear of being branded a failure and becoming a social outcast throws a dark shadow over your life. Even places which should offer a helping hand, like your church, may instead offer condemnation and guilt. It’s almost easier to confess to an STD than to a money problem.
To be sure, there are complex financial, legal, moral, and spiritual issues which come from money problems. And most people, especially those who have never experienced a money problem, do not have the knowledge or temperament to help you. Then, of course, there are vultures looking to rob you of what little you have left. It’s a jungle out there.
But if you stay isolated and frozen by fear, you will never make it out. You must get moving.
You Are Not Alone
You may feel like you are alone in the howling wilderness, but in fact you are in the company of millions of Americans. Over 70% of them have bad credit for auto purchases. Many are unemployed and behind on their payments because of the Covid Pandemic. Even the government is going deeper and deeper into debt. It seems that the whole country is awash with money problems.
Even so, it is little comfort that there are many others lost in the financial wilderness. The good news is that there are those who have gone before, finding pathways like financial Daniel Boones and killing bears like financial Davy Crockets. In fact, many of the most successful people in America have fought through money problems, losses, and bankruptcy to come roaring back. The wilderness was where they learned the secrets to success.
We like to point to the life of the Great Emancipator, Abraham Lincoln, to show how to build a successful life. Like many of us, Lincoln suffered a financial catastrophe which left him deep in debt. History records that after the Panic of 1837 his creditors took his assets from him on more than one occasion. Nevertheless, Lincoln pulled himself together and increased his earning power by becoming a lawyer. He married, bought a home, and after he had built his life earned the nickname “Honest Abe” by finally repaying his debt several years after. Then, using the lessons he learned in the finical wilderness, he achieved his destiny as one of our greatest presidents.
We believe that you can get free from debt and build your life just like Abraham Lincoln did.
Trust Yourself First
You may feel like a failure because of your past mistakes, but you are the most important guide on your path to freedom. The Bible teaches that you do not have to live in your past failures if you will accept responsibility, change your direction, and move into the future by accepting forgiveness. Common sense teaches that no one takes better care of your business than you. So leave your past behind and get your head in the game.
There is much to learn when dealing with money problems, and you cannot afford to remain ignorant. We at the Emancipation Network have prepared our System of Debt Relief to help you navigate through the legal, financial, budgeting, negotiating, family, and communications issues you will face. Other financial writers are also available to you, although we think that many lack the practical experience we have.
Our experience over many years has taught us that almost everyone can learn what they need to know. More importantly, our experience has also taught us that no one can design a better financial plan for you than you can after you have learned a little. No one knows your abilities and needs better than you do, and no one has more to gain from your success than you do.
So, we recommend that you gain the knowledge you need, develop a Debt Relief Plan to take control of your life, and then look for counselors to help you tweak and implement your Debt Relief Plan plan.
Financial Counselors
Your most important credit counselor should be a Godly person who will agree to function as a mentor to you. He need not be an expert in any of the technical areas of finance, law, or tax that effect you. A broad range of experience is preferable because specialists often miss the big picture. You need a counselor who is not harsh or judgmental and who has patience and kindness born of a genuine desire to help people. Retired businessmen are ideal because they are more likely to possess the experience and disposition needed. The best place to find such a person would be in your church or through a pastoral referral.
After you have been over your plan with one (or perhaps more) Godly counselors, you need to begin assembling a team of specialists you can call on to help you. These people need not be selected for spiritual maturity because you will direct their actions. Make sure your specialists are reputable and competent, but remember that you do not need the best lawyer in town because he is probably too expensive. You just need someone who will do a good job at a reasonable cost.
Specialists you may possibly need are as follows:
1) Tax specialist: To review the income tax and other tax problems that you may have. Often a tax specialist can give some good overall business advice as well.
2) Business attorney to review and advise you on all legal matters related to your Plan. He will control other attorneys if they are used and will be helpful as an overall business advisor.
3) Trial attorney to handle litigation for you.
4) Bankruptcy attorney: To handle a bankruptcy if it becomes necessary.
You should hire specialists as needed and as you can afford them. Let specialists review your plan for flaws but do not give them open-ended assignments because you will quickly spend your whole legal budget for nothing. Use them only when needed, ask them only what they are capable of answering, and have clear limitations on spending or time charged to you so that your costs will be controlled. In this manner you can benefit from a great deal of expertise for a reasonable price.
Credit Counseling Companies
Credit Counseling Companies can sometimes help if you understand how they operate.
There are two types of credit counseling companies:
(1) Consumer Counseling Companies normally offer free credit counseling services for consumer debts such as credit cards. These companies will require you to put together your information as you have done for your Debt Relief Plan and then see if they can develop a Debt Relief Plan for you. This sounds very appealing until you realize that many consumer counseling companies are funded by the credit card companies to help them minimize their losses.
Because of their close relationship with the credit card companies, the counseling companies know the debt modification terms which are acceptable to the credit card companies. Thus, when they develop a plan, payments will be based on the credit card company’s terms. People who have not determined how much they can afford to pay the lenders are often pressured into making payment commitments which they cannot keep. That is why you must know what you can afford to do before talking with them.
However, if you understand the limitations of using consumer counseling companies, you can use them to test your Plan as it relates to your credit card lenders. The feedback you receive could help you scout out the position of the lenders before you contact them. In addition, you may discover that your Debt Relief Plan would be accepted by the lenders. In that case, you could use the credit counseling company to do the work of negotiating your Debt Relief Plan with the credit card lenders.
(2) Debt Settlement Companies are fee based businesses which will negotiate credit card debt settlement terms for a percentage of the debt to be settled. As with consumer credit counseling companies, you will need to put together information as you have done for your Debt Relief Plan. The debt settlement company will then establish a monthly payment which you begin making into an escrow account. The debt settlement company uses the escrow account to pay their fees and eventually make settlements with the credit card companies.
Debt settlement firms are familiar with the settlement parameters of credit card companies but are more aggressive than consumer counseling companies. The payment plan they develop will be based on their settlement experience and also provide for payments of their fees. As is the case with consumer counseling companies, people who have not done the work of developing a Debt Relief Plan can be convinced to commit to a payment schedule which cannot be sustained. In that case the balance in the escrow account will be returned, but the fees collected are not.
In addition to the risk of failure to follow through, there are other risks of dealing with a debt settlement company. There have been unscrupulous companies which have collected fees but settled few debts. Others have gone out of business leaving their clients to negotiate with lenders from the remnants of their escrow accounts. It is also possible that an aggressive lender could get a judgment and try to seize all of the escrow account.
Nevertheless, there may be a place for debt settlement companies which you can use to test your plan and give insight into lender settlements. If your cash flow after meeting personal and family needs permits, you could even hire a reputable debt settlement company to negotiate your credit card settlements. However, the strategies used by the debt settlement companies are the same ones used in the System of Debt Relief, so you could also save the money and do it yourself.
If you stay in control, you could use credit counseling companies to help you test and perhaps implement your Debt Relief Plan.
There is Hope for You
We have prepared this Special Report so that you will know that you can find the help you need to overcome your money problems. We have counseled many people just like you, and we know you can find a path to freedom from debt.
We recommend that you learn how to deal with your money problems using a resource like the Emancipation Network System of Debt Relief, and then use your knowledge to find those who can effectively help you.
The System of Debt Relief can be downloaded for free at
You are not alone, and together we can help you find your way.
We have worked with many people over the years to help them develop a plan to achieve Debt Relief. Our System of Debt Relief(“SDR”), based on our experience, is dedicated to educating people on the issues involved in Debt Relief and then helping them step by step to develop and implement a personal Debt Relief Plan. Following are frequently asked questions about the Debt Relief process:
1. What is “Debt Relief”?
Debt Relief is the process of restructuring, reducing, or eliminating debts so that your overall debt burden is reset at an affordable level and you can move toward financial freedom.
SDR reference: Chapter 1
2. How is Debt Relief achieved?
Debt Relief can be achieved through negotiating with lenders, litigation, bankruptcy, suspension of payments, or a combination of these actions.
SDR Reference: Chapter 3
3. Is Debt Relief legal and moral?
Our laws provide many protections to borrowers up to and including total forgiveness of debt through bankruptcy. Our bankruptcy laws trace back to the Bible, so you may rest assured that you are not doing anything wrong by pursuing Debt Relief.
SDR Reference: Chapters 2 and 3
4. What do I do when I can’t make my payments?
First you must diagnose your problem to see if it is caused by lack of income, overspending or excessive debt. You must prioritize your spending to put God, Family, and Country first. Then see what is left over to pay your lenders, and allocate it among them. You, not your lenders, should be in control of your finances.
SDR Reference: Chapters 5 & 6
5. How can I get my lenders to reduce my payments?
Lenders understand that most people with financial problems cannot be forced to pay because you can’t get blood out of a turnip. So, ultimately, it is the borrower who normally has to the most bargaining power. With a little patience, reasonable settlements on debt can be made.
SDR Reference: Chapters 3 & 6
6. What about Bankruptcy?
Bankruptcy can be a good solution for some people but it does not solve all financial problems. It can be complex and expensive as well. You need to learn about it and find a bankruptcy lawyer if you are seriously considering it.
SDR Reference: Chapter 7
7. Can I get any Debt Relief from the IRS?
The IRS has vast collection powers but there are ways to negotiate payments, reduce taxes due, and sometimes even wipe out your IRS tax. The key is understanding their procedures and responding in a correct and timely manner. Most people will also need the help of a tax specialist.
SDR Reference: Chapter 9
8. How can I stop foreclosure?
The first question to be answered is whether you want to stop a foreclosure, because in many cases you may be better off after a foreclosure. Assuming you want to stop it, your best strategy is to negotiate with the lender. A bankruptcy filing will also stop a foreclosure, but may not be a good overall strategy for you. Remember that lenders really do not want the property back if you can make a reasonable payment.
SDR Reference: Chapter 3, 6, and 7
9. Who can help me with a Debt Relief Plan?
We believe that the best person to run your life is you, and so we first recommend that you use our System of Debt Relief to develop your own plan. However, we also recommend that you find a counselor, such as a retired business man, to look over your plan, and you may also need tax and legal advisors. You can sometimes use credit counseling organizations or debt settlement companies, but make sure that the plan they advise is not worse for you than what you could accomplish through your own plan.
SDR Reference: Chapter 10
10. What about my credit rating?
If you have money problems you will also ultimately have a bad credit score. Your choice is between having a plan, money in the bank, and a bad credit score or giving all your money to your lenders and still having a bad credit score. You will still be able to obtain credit, albeit at a higher price, and your credit score will improve as your debt problems fade into the past.
SDR Reference Chapter 3
11. Should I use the System of Debt Relief if I can easily pay my bills?
While the System of Debt Relief contains material that can be valuable to anyone, it is designed for those who are struggling to pay their debts and need help. If you have plenty of cash flow you should consider an accelerated debt repayment program such as that developed by Dave Ramsey. Either way, you can be free from debt and move into Financial Freedom.
SDR Reference: Chapter 12
12. How can I stay financially free after achieving debt relief?
Financial freedom is lifestyle which involves living your life based on faith, following godly financial principles, and faithfulness with your finances.
SDR Refinance: Chapter 12
We have also made available our book on God’s financial principles, Real Faith and Real Money, to help your build a firm foundation for financial freedom. You can get a free download at
Emancipation Network
7989 Beltline Road, Suite 305-518, Dallas, Texas 75248
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